We are thrilled to announce Promenade Software as the winner of this year's Sustainability Contest at the MD&M West 2025 Expo. To honor their commitment to sustainability, MD&M partnered with the Sustainable Manufacturing Expo to host a special competition for exhibitors. Booths that could demonstrate innovative, eco-friendly designs and practices were encouraged to participate in the contest. It was a call to action for the MedTech industry that we loved to see.
This year we showed our support towards sustainability by entering the contest. We incorporated thoughtful changes to our booth build and materials to enhance our eco-conscious efforts. Some of the ways in which we incorporated these efforts were by recycling previous years materials in our booth design and utilizing our own reusable flooring instead of a one-time-use carpeting. We purchased recycled materials in our swag give-aways and decreased our use of paper goods by creating a QR Code Brochure for individuals. We took our energy usage into consideration and diminished electrical outputs by removing all of our background display lights. Even our gas emissions were dramatically decreased by carpooling with other Promenade Employees and transporting all of our own booth materials to and from the show.
Promenade Software is excited to have our commitment to sustainability recognized. If you’re looking for reliable and secure software to power your medical devices, connect with us here and let Promenade Software turn your innovation into a reality! We look forward to continuing our sustainable footprint, one step at a time.